KRUK Group’s roadmap to carbon neutrality

Environmental impact risks primarily relate to the Group's potential negative effects on the environment and climate through its own operations, the products and services it provides, including project financing and management of climate risks, which could be transformational for the Group. Understanding its environmental impact and stakeholders' expectations, the KRUK Group has decided to define its environmental objectives and incorporate them into its Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) strategy, which is part of its business strategy. The objectives are based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals and on the European Green Deal.

In line with the Scope 1 and Scope 2 guidance of GHG Protocol, an action plan has been implemented in each country where the KRUK Group is present to achieve 70% reduction in carbon emissions by 2040, including by improving the efficiency of the car fleet, using renewable energy sources, and cutting energy consumption in office buildings.

Given the new obligations imposed by the Corporate Sustainable Reporting Directive, the KRUK Group intends to meet the Scope 3 objectives of GHG Protocol with respect to its business model and include its value chain in the calculations.

As part of its ESG strategy, by 2026 the Group plans to begin reporting emissions for each of its main business processes.

In order to achieve all of its strategic environmental objectives, the KRUK Group has committed to continuously raising the awareness of its employees, suppliers and the public in the area of environmental protection and protecting and improving the condition of the natural environment.

At this time, no balance sheet items have been identified whose valuation would be significantly affected by the analysed climate risks. Climate risks and opportunities will be defined in 2023 in accordance with the TCFD standard.


We monitor and reduce our environmental footprint

[GRI 103-1, 103-2, 103-3 Aspect: Energy, emissions]

At the KRUK Group, we recognise how important it is to act on your promises. Therefore, we have started with ourselves to drive environmental change. We have reduced our environmental footprint by rolling out both small and major improvements across the organisation, which, put together, make a big difference.


Carbon Footprint

Scope 1 and 2 emissions were calculated according to the following standards: The Greenhouse Gas Protocol A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard Revised Edition, GHG Protocol Scope 2 Guidance. Scope 1 includes combustion of gasoline and diesel oil in company cars, combustion of natural gas, and consumption of refrigerants. Scope 2 includes consumption of electricityand heat.

In 2023, the KRUK Group once again submitted itself to the CDP’s scrutiny, this time improving its rating to a “C”. This grade reflects our organisation’s consciousness of how climate change impacts its operations and the influence its activities have on the climate.

The KRUK Group aims to consistently enhance its CDP score in the years to come. Our ESG strategy provides for appraising the emissions of the Group’s key business processes by 2026. Efforts to understand our supply chain support this goal. In order to achieve all of the strategic environmental objectives, we have committed to continuously raising the awareness of our employees, suppliers, and the public in the area of environmental protection and restoration.


At the KRUK Group, we know that both financial debt and environmental debt have one thing in common: excessive consumerism. Buying unnecessary things can get many people in dire straits, and it certainly does lead to environmental debt. We believe it takes responsibility to successfully tackle both economic and environmental debt. To that end, since 2019 we have worked to raise awareness of ecological debt and put the spotlight on curbing overconsumption as a key countermeasure.

Every year, we remind the public of the Environmental Debt Day through press releases concerning the consequences of excessive consumerism among Poles. In 2023, KRUK S.A., in collaboration with the Ariadna Nationwide Research Panel, conducted a survey to inform its media communication efforts aimed at increasing public awareness of the importance of environmental conservation. The survey revealed that, although 3% of Poles do not engage in any environmental conservation efforts, the overwhelming majority are committed to activities that protect the environment.

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