Holidays without taking a credit

As much as two-thirds of Poles regard they financial situation as average - according to a research conducted by Millward Brown Institute on a request of the KRUK Group. Therefore, only one Pole out of five will be able to finance a holiday trip from his savings or money received as a gift. There are also persons who take a credit in order to go on their dreamed holiday. Is it necessary? It often leads us to financial problems. Here are several tips for reducing costs of a holiday trip without loosing the joy of going out of the place of residence.
Rest has a very good effect on our wellbeing, health and efficiency. Therefore, we should not turn away from our leave only because we have too little money to stay in a hotel located by a warm sea, and best on a remote island. However, there are persons who - to make their dreams come true - willingly take loans and credits. Though, they are not always aware of the fact that two weeks of rest will cost them long months of debt repayment. While a really pleasant holiday can be spent at a reasonable cost which does not ruin the home budget.
- Home budget planning is the key. It is wise to check if and how much we can save during several months before the trip - recommends Agnieszka Salach from the KRUK Group. - It is the saved money that our holiday plans, number of days, accommodation standard, etc. should depend on. However, if it turns out that we cannot afford to spend a week by the sea or in the mountains, it is worth leaving for at least two, three days, to forget about the daily routine. There are plenty of ways to reduce the cost of holidays.
Avoid the peak months
The summer holidays months are the period of the busiest tourist traffic and a time of harvest for those who make a leaving from tourism. This is the time of the highest prices. That is why, it is worth considering other period. In Poland the weather is often nice from May until the end of September, even half of October. In southern Europe the season is even longer. If we care more about sightseeing than hot weather, then it might be beneficial to consider leaving during low season. The prices will certainly be lower. We will also avoid crowds.
Last minute
A very good idea which may help reducing the cost of holiday is use of last minute offers. By doing this, we can even save over 50 percent of the initial cost of a trip. When speaking of package trips, try considering if it is necessary to choose the all inclusiveoption. Let us think if accommodation plus two meals a day is enough for us, as this would make as save quite a lot.
Cheap travelling
Many persons choose car as a means of transport for holidays - mainly for the convenience. However, a car may be unnecessary and the travel to our destination may be cheaper by choosing other means of transport. Before leaving it is worth checking the prices of cheap buses or airlines. When planning a trip in advance, we can purchase the tickets for several or a dozen zlotys.
Another way to decrease travel costs is to use carpooling, which is a system which connects persons travelling in the same direction. You just need to install an application in your smartphone, register and choose your destination. After receiving some offers, you choose the one that fits you best. The cost of travel is often payment for a part of consumed fuel.
Under the stars
A comfortable bed, large room with a private bathroom – some of you can’t imagine a holiday trip without it. But if you have a spirit of adventure, you should consider sleeping in a tent. Contrary to what one might expect, in comparison to accommodation in a pension or hotel, it has several advantages. Firstly, if we don’t have a tent, we can certainly borrow it from family or friends. Secondly, the costs of accommodation in comparison to booking a room will be immeasurably lower. Thirdly, each night can be spent in a different camping ground. The camping network is extensive in the entire Europe, which is why this solution can be applied also outside Poland.
The old saying goes “where there's a will there's a way”. If we want to rest without spending a fortune, and at the same time have an adventure and be close to nature, let’s plan a unique holiday.
Certainly, the preparations may take a bit longer than choosing from a travel agency’s catalogue, but an adventure, pleasant memories and lots of saved money is guaranteed.