The small steps method

1. Use the blessing of the Internet.
You were trying on a jacket or shoes that you wanted to buy? Why not wait and see whether it can't be bought cheaper on the web. This method often allows to save considerable sums of money.
2. Always check the receipt after shopping.
If you find any inconsistencies between the price stated and the shelf price, it might be worth claiming a refund.
3. Start your piggy box, in the form of a jar or other container.
Stick a note on it stating your objective, and put different amounts into it. Do it regularly for 21 days - this is the time needed to develop a habit - and you'll see yourself how much you've saved. 2 dollars a day is 730 dollars a year!
4. Reorganize your wardrobe regularly.
Sell the most valuable things you're not wearing anymore on auction sites. That way you can get money for new equipment or clothes.
5. Hitch-hike.
If you travel around Poland a lot, check out special web sites, where private people offer transport for small amounts.
6. Leave your car in the garage.
You drive to work daily, but the company does not refund gas? Calculate your monthly traveling costs, and compare it to public transportation tickets. It could turn out that you not only save money, but also time.
7. Create a savings account.
Transfer a specific, regular sum into it, as well as any extra money, such as work bonus. Do not withdraw this money, collect it for specific purpose.
8. Keep a register of expenses.
Write your purchases in it, and the amounts spent. That way you'll know the most expensive items of your regular spending, and you'll be able to optimize costs.
9. Limit your costly habits or give them up.
Limiting alcohol consumption or giving up smoking can give you up to $300 a month.
10. Do not remove labels from your newly bought clothes.
Give yourself a day or two to decide finally whether you actually want to keep them.
11. Use discounts.
Discount or sales purchases is a perfect way to save money - that is, provided you don't give in to sudden urges, and buy only what you've planned. Seasonal sales offer many interesting products at lower, more beneficial prices.
12. Plan wisely.
Prepare your home budget that will be used for your monthly purchases and vital home expenses. This will you help you control expenditure.