KRUK’s contribution to “Green Finance in Poland 2022”

Just transition towards sustainable finance starts with embracing all aspects of ESG – KRUK’s comprehensive contribution to “Green Finance in Poland 2022” report
“Although KRUK Group does not qualify as a high-impact organisation, we take the responsibility for playing our part in battling climate change. As we invariably act according to the highest ethical standards, we do not forget that a clean and safe environment has always been the key part of that equation.” – Michał Zasępa
United Nations Global Compact Poland in partnership with the Institute of Responsible Finance presented the “Green Finance in Poland 2022” report – a comprehensive landscape of sustainable finance in Poland backed by perspectives and insights of selected industry experts. In the report, KRUK Group had an opportunity to highlight the importance of social and governance issues at the tipping point of the transition towards green finance.
The official premiere of the publication took place at the Warsaw Stock Exchange at the end of August. The event was accompanied by a series of discussion panels where invited industry leaders exchanged knowledge and shared their first-hand experience with tackling green transition. One of the keynote speakers was Michał Zasępa, Chief Financial Officer and the Management Board member of KRUK Group, who drew attention to KRUK’s decarbonisation efforts to achieve the net-zero economy goal set by the Paris Agreement.
KRUK’s proactive approach to adapting and mitigating climate change-related risks is being executed across all of our European markets. The intensity of our decarbonisation activities varies from country to country and is heavily dependent on the availability of eco-solutions in the markets. For example, our offices in Spain and Romania are already solely powered by renewable energy.
We eliminate mismanagements and always look for a more sustainable way to conduct our business, hence we reduced our space office where applicable, switched to eco-friendly tiers for cars used by field advisors, and continuously invest in e-commerce solutions that are not only more environmentally efficient but also consider the needs of our clients.
The world’s push towards battling climate change would not be possible without transparency. We have counted the Group's direct and indirect emissions across all of our geographical locations (Scope 1 and 2 according to the GHG Protocol). On top of that, we have voluntarily disclosed KRUK Group's carbon footprint based on the guidelines of the CDP framework.
KRUK Group has decided to strategise the way we think of our responsibility towards the environment. With this purpose in mind, we are currently working on developing a robust ESG Strategy that will make the entire organisation more resilient against climate-related setbacks.
All invited report contributors agreed that ambitious climate goals aimed at building a new, green deal in Poland, Europe, and the world requires choosing the right investment and allocating the funds to projects and technologies that will help in this fight.