"One of the key pillars of HR strategy at KRUK S.A. is the reinforcement of the organizational culture. While research confirms that our organizational culture is already strong today, we believe in continuous development and striving for excellence. We are committed to making the organizational culture an integral part of life in the company, influencing the way our employees think, act, and make decisions. We support our organizational culture by promoting values such as trust, collaboration, responsibility, development, and simplicity. We aim to create a working environment where our employees feel appreciated, engaged, and can develop their skills. Initiatives such as training and development programs help us build strong relationships with our employees and support their professional growth.


The second important pillar of our HR strategy is a focus on building a Lean and Digital competency model. The world is constantly changing, and we want to be prepared for the challenges that the future brings. We prioritize digital skills, innovation, and efficiency to adapt to the rapidly changing business environment. We implement modern tools and technologies that facilitate work and improve the performance of our employees.


The third pillar of our HR strategy is modern leadership. We believe that leaders are crucial to the success of the organization and the development of our employees. Therefore, we invest in developing leadership skills among our managers, such as communication, team motivation, and change management. We will introduce training, coaching, and mentoring programs that help our leaders become more effective and inspiring.


Another important aspect of the HR strategy at KRUK S.A. is the creation of a diverse, equal, and inclusive workplace. We believe that diversity is our strength and inspires innovation and creativity. We strive for an atmosphere in our company where all employees are respected and have equal opportunities for development. We work towards eliminating any forms of discrimination and creating an environment where everyone can feel accepted and appreciated.


The final pillar of the HR strategy at KRUK S.A. is a flexible work environment. We understand that work-life balance is important for our employees. Therefore, we aim to create flexible working conditions that allow for individual needs. We introduce remote work programs, flexible working hours, and various forms of scheduling to ensure a balance between professional and personal life.


In conclusion, the HR strategy at KRUK S.A. focuses on being an "Employer of Choice" through the reinforcement of the organizational culture, a focus on Lean and Digital competency model, promotion of modern leadership, the creation of a diverse, equal, and inclusive workplace, and the provision of a flexible work environment. We believe that these pillars form a solid foundation for our HR strategy, which supports the development and success of our employees and strengthens our position as an attractive employer."

Olga Morawska HR Strategy Manager



Workforce diversity is a cornerstone of our success and an important element of our business strategy, facilitating international expansion and strengthening our innovation capability and competitiveness. We regard workforce diversity as an opportunity to quickly respond to change and to better cater to customer needs. We know that it enhances our reputation among business partners, customers and job applicants.

We understand that employee satisfaction is one of the KRUK Group’s key growth drivers. We value the experience of our employees and provide them with opportunities for further career development. This is why we seek to reduce employee turnover so that the knowledge and know-how are retained within the organisation to fuel its continued growth.

In 2022, the KRUK Group’s employee turnover ratio was 13.4%, down 1.6pp year on year.

Workforce diversity is our forte. It is a source of our international success, which helps us to better understand and respond to client needs. Competence is the key criterion. Everyone in our organisation can get promoted, regardless of their gender, nationality and other extraneous factors. What matters to us is involvement and willingness to grow. Women account for 60% of all KRUK Group employees. Importantly, 62% of women hold senior managerial positions, representing 42% of all Company directors (members of the Management and Supervisory Boards).

For the KRUK Group, non-discrimination also means equal pay. In our ESG Strategy, we have declared that by 2025 we will achieve full pay equality between men and women performing similar work at Group companies. As at the end of 2022, the Equal Pay Gap (EPG) for the entire Group was 1.2%.

KRUK S.A. has been a signatory to the Diversity Charter since 2013. The Charter is an international initiative of the European Commission, intended to promote social cohesion and equality. The fundamental principle of the Charter is non-discrimination in the workplace and recognising and promoting diversity in all areas of activity. The provisions of the Charter apply across the KRUK Group and are taken into account in various processes, including recruitment.



We know our expertise and scale of impact on local communities. Given the nature of our business, we are familiar with the biggest societal challenges related to money management. We believe our contribution to social development is not just about our day-to-day operations and helping customers become debt free. We are ready, willing and able to share our knowledge and resources and do business in a way that combines economic goals with benefits to society and the environment. We run awareness-raising educational campaigns related to finances, we sponsor sports and cultural events, and we participate in charitable projects.


Day without Debt

Our flagship project is Day Without Debt celebrated in Poland on November 17th since 2009, with the programme rolled out also in Romania, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia. Day Without Debt aims to raise public awareness of personal finances management and responsible borrowing, to develop the financial maturity of our existing and potential customers, and to raise awareness of the benefits of voluntary debt repayment. In our materials, we explain how to responsibly control income and expenses, and how to reasonably assess one’s financial capabilities. We focus on buying habits and show how to safeguard against losing the source of income. In 2022 in Poland, the ‘Day without Debt’ campaign was present in the main media with the largest coverage, including RMF FM, TOK FM, Radio Złote Przeboje, Radio Pogoda and Onet.pl. As part of our educational efforts, we also took part in the ‘First Aid for the Indebted’ conference organised in Poznań by the Barka Mutual Aid Foundation. In 2022, information on the ‘Day Without Debt’ reached approximately 11 million people.


Kapitalni.org portal

The portal regularly provides financial education that has a real impact on consumer behaviour and attitudes. The content of the platform, which includes more than 600 specialist articles, has been authored by various respectable experts, journalists and bloggers and is arranged into special learning paths. To date, 2,700 users have completed at least one full path, while the total number of unique users of Kapitalni.org is over 60,000. In addition to expert advice, the portal offers easy-to-use, practical financial tools. Personal budgeting and expense tracking forms, dedicated calculators and learning courses are particularly popular with users.


Debt Collection? Everything’s clear educational campaign (KRUK S.A.)

The campaign addresses issues related to debt, in order to give people an insight into the legal basis and operating methods of professional debt collection companies. The key target audience of the campaign also includes business partners, media and entrepreneurs.


MERITO project (KRUK Romania)

The project dates back to the Romanian Business Leaders Summit of 2015. The idea behind is to offer the business community’s support to teachers by promoting best teaching practices and premium education across the schooling system. In recognition of their contribution to restoring the social prestige of the teaching profession, the most dedicated and passionate educators are given awards at the annual Merito Gala.


Credite Inteligente project (KRUK Romania)

In 2022, 60 schools from across Romania participated in the project, as a result of which more than 2,200 people expanded their knowledge of finance. In addition, KRUK Romania carried out several other initiatives last year to promote financial education, including workshops on the International Financial Literacy Day.

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