Following adoption by the WSE Supervisory Board, by way of Resolution No. 13/1834/2021 of March 29th 2021, of the Best Practice for WSE Listed Companies 2021, the Management Board of the Company adopted, by way of Resolution No. 142/2021 of July 26th 2021, a statement of compliance with the Best Practice for WSE Listed Companies 2021 at KRUK S.A.

A declaration of compliance with the Best Practice for WSE Listed Companies 2021 was also made by the Company’s Supervisory Board in Resolution No. 41/2021 of July 29th 2021 and by the General Meeting in Resolution No. 7/2022 of November 16th 2022.

In compliance with the principle formulated in Section 1.1. of Part 1 of the Best Practice for WSE Listed Companies 2021 (Disclosure Policy, Investor Communications), KRUK S.A. announces that, in accordance with Art. 14.2.17 of the Articles of Association of KRUK S.A., Section 51.2.17 of the Rules of Procedure for the Supervisory Board of KRUK S.A. and the Polish and international accounting standards, selection of an auditor to audit the Company’s full-year financial statements, referred to in Art. 395 of the Polish Commercial Companies Code, is the responsibility of the Supervisory Board.

Until July 25th 2021, the Company and its governing bodies complied with the corporate governance principles set out in the Code of Best Practice for WSE Listed Companies 2016 adopted by the WSE Supervisory Board by way of Resolution No. 26/1413/2015 of October 13th 2015.

Until December 31st 2015, the Management Board of KRUK S.A. and its governing bodies complied with the corporate governance principles set out in the Code of Best Practice for WSE Listed Companies (consolidated text: Appendix to Resolution No. 19/1307/2012 of the WSE Supervisory Board of November 21st 2012).

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