Piotr Szczepiórkowski

Piotr Szczepiórkowski is an expert in pension systems, asset management and capital markets. A graduate of the Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering of the Warsaw University of Technology, he worked for the Ministry of Finance and Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego. During his professional career he completed a training programme and successfully passed all the 14 exams to obtain the ACCA qualification and the Executive Management Development courses organised by CEDEP (Fontainebleau), Columbia University and Wharton School of Business. He holds an investment adviser licence and is a member of the Polish Association of Actuaries and CFA Society Poland (CFA Charterholder). For many years, he worked for the Commercial Union Polska Group (now Aviva Polska), first in the Finance Department of Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń na Życie as an accountant, Deputy Finance Director, Deputy Investment Director, and then at Commercial Union PTE as Chief Investment Officer and Vice President of the Management Board. Since 2001, he has been President of the Management Board of PTE. In 2008–2016, he was Vice President of the Management Board of Aviva Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń na Życie. At present, Mr. Szczepiórkowski sits on the supervisory boards of the following WSE-listed companies: FM Forte S.A., Decora S.A., ZEW Kogeneracja S.A., Octava S.A., Ipopema TFI S.A. (where he also chairs the Audit Committee) and Polski Gaz Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń Wzajemnych na Życie (as Deputy Chairman). On the Supervisory Board of KRUK S.A. appointed for the term starting in 2019, he was a member of the Audit Committee and the Remuneration and Nomination Committee.