
KRUK sets two new records

KRUK concludes 2018 with investments in new portfolios at PLN 1.39bn (+43% yoy) and PLN 1.58bn of cash recoveries (+15% yoy) – both the highest numbers in KRUK’s history. Nominal value of all portfolios purchased in 2018 equals PLN 8.9bn. In Q4 2018 only, KRUK invested PLN 341m in portfolios with nominal value of PLN 2.6bn. In the same period, the company recovered PLN 432m – another record high and 15% more than in Q4 2017.

Table. KRUK – investments and recoveries

Investments in portfolios (PLNm)

Cash recoveries (PLNm)

Q4 2018

whole 2018

Q4 2018

whole 2018


1 395


1 576

Source: Company

- A good year is behind, underlined by record-high recoveries and investments. In terms of recoveries, we are still benefiting from enhanced operational efficiency and utilizing favourable momentum of the economy, mainly in Poland and Romania. High investments are the result of good and diversified access to constantly developed funding. It will be our important competitive advantage also in the next quarters. The previous year brought higher-than-expected investments on the Polish market, 45% of total investments. Next biggest contributors were Spain (22%), Italy (19%) and Romania (11%). We have built a solid foundation for further growth of the Group - says Piotr Krupa, CEO of KRUK S.A.

In the whole 2018, KRUK acquired over 1.0m cases. The average price paid per portfolio equaled 16% - significant part of investments were made on the Polish market, where KRUK was buying cases of higher quality.

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