
Current Report No. 3/2016: Information received under Art. 160 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments

The Management Board of KRUK S.A. ("Company") announces that on January 8th 2016, the Company received a notification from a member of the Company's Supervisory Board, given under Art. 160.1 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments, to the effect that 5 038 shares in KRUK S.A. had been sold, at the average price of PLN 162,75 per share, in ordinary transactions executed at trading sessions on the Warsaw Stock Exchange on January 8th 2016. 
The person to whom the notification refers has not consented to the publication of the information specified in Par. 2.1.1 of the Minister of Finance's Regulation of November 15th 2005 on disclosure of information on certain transactions in financial instruments and on the rules for drawing up and maintaining a list of persons having access to inside information. 
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