
Current Report No. 48/2019: Satisfaction of conditions precedent under debt assignment agreement with Getback Recovery S.R.L.

Further to Current Report No. 30/2019 of June 8th 2019 concerning the conclusion of an agreement between the Company’s subsidiary InvestCapital LTD of Malta (as the Buyer) and Getback Recovery S.R.L. of Bucharest on the purchase of an unsecured debt portfolio for a price of RON 41.2m (equivalent to PLN 37.4m at the mid-rate of exchange quoted by the National Bank of Poland for June 7th 2019), the Management Board of KRUK S.A. announces that on October 16th 2019 all the conditions precedent under the agreement were satisfied, and specifically relevant consent was obtained from the insolvency administrator appointed by the court in the accelerated arrangement proceedings with respect to GetBack S.A. w restrukturyzacji of Warsaw and the purchase price was paid as provided for in the agreement. The statement of expenditure on debt portfolios published in Current Report No. 39/2019 includes the amount invested under the agreement. 

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