KRUK’s net profit up by 27%
KRUK Group (WSE: KRU), the leader of the debt management market in Central Europe, has published its performance figures for the first three quarters of 2015:  Net profit for Q1−Q3 2015 stood at PLN 160.2m, up by 27% year on year....
Cash recoveries of PLN 600m and new investments on five markets
In the first three quarters of 2015, recoveries from debt portfolios purchased by KRUK reached PLN 605m, up by 14% year on year. In Q3 alone, they amounted to PLN 206m. “With only Q4 before us, we are on the final stretch now, and we are...
KRUK’s H1 2015 profit hits record high of PLN 108m
The KRUK Group (WSE ticker: KRU), Central Europe’s leading debt management company, has published its performance figures for H1 2015:  Net profit reached PLN 107.7m, which is more than 70% of that earned in the entire 2014 and the...
KRUK to buy first portfolios in Germany
The KRUK Group, a leader on the debt collection market in Central Europe, has entered into an agreement to purchase its first consumer debt portfolios in Germany from Commerzfinanz. The open-ended agreement guarantees a flow of approximately EUR...
Oświadczenie Zarządu KRUK S.A.
Na podstawie Uchwały nr 26/2014 Zwyczajnego Walnego Zgromadzenia Akcjonariuszy KRUK S.A. z dnia 28 maja 2014 roku w sprawie ustalenia zasad przeprowadzenia przez Spółkę programu motywacyjnego na lata 2015-2019, warunkowego podwyższenia kapitału...
KRUK to pay nearly PLN 26m in dividends
Shareholders of KRUK S.A. approved the Management Board’s recommendation, resolving to pay out dividends of PLN 1.5 per share from net profit earned in 2014. This will be the first dividend distribution in the history of KRUK S.A. The...
KRUK rozpoczyna zapisy na obligacje publiczne
“The purchase of another large portfolio in Italy confirms our ambitions on that market, as well as its enormous potential. Closing of the transaction with one of the world’s oldest surviving banks and one of the largest in Italy is an important...
KRUK's strategy for 2025 - 2029 - conference call
Q3 Conference Call (PL + ENG subtitles)
Q3 2024 Conference Call
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